Long time since I posted something up here (and somehow every freakin time, I start like this! :D) but a nice "incident" worthy of writing, hence...
Tonight, I happened to see a handicapped beggar crossing the road. He couldn't move his feet. He had "worn slippers" on his hands and used both arms to move. I had just then had a good meal and was waiting outside a store waiting for my mom to finish shopping. It was apparent from the way this guy looked that he wouldn't have had a decent meal since a long time.
None of the passerby cared to throw in a coin or two or help him out.
I had time to spare with nothing to do.
I could help this guy somehow.
A line of food vendors was just at a stone's throw distance.
Getting rid of the hesitation of having to go get something for this guy, I brought him a parcel of 4 idli's. I guess it wouldn't have filled his stomach, but it wouldn't leave him hungry for the night either. Anyways, I gave him the food and he gladly took it dug right in. He gestured he wanted water, which wasn't available around. And just when I was about to tell him this, a shop owner nearby saw this and gave me a bottle of water to give it to him. I then dropped some cash into his pocket hoping that he'll use it over food and left. Later when I was leaving the store, found him sleeping on the pavement. I walked off with a kind of happiness that I hadn't experienced in a really long time.
Well, the point is, each day we see people or situations like these. But its the hesitation or the "stage fright" of being watched by people that keeps us from helping them out. Get over it and lend a helping hand, do your bit, and there will always be people willing to back you up. And trust me, feeding the hungry is one heck of a gratifying experience. For those of you who have seen "The Buttefly Effect", they say- "It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world". Do your bit whenever given an opportunity and who knows, you just might inspire someone for greater things.
Try the "Pay it forward" concept, its fun.
Or try the "One Act of Random Kindness a day(ARK)".
Will scribble more, soon.
AdiĆ³s !
Wow! Amazing bro! That was really touching. I am proud to know my friend cared for someone less fortunate making a difference in his life. Kudos to you :) Keep up your work.
Nice reading you Keshav, and yes i like the phrase, it is "stage fright". It feels so good when u can help. if only i wasnt so self absorbed i cud do more
@Niki-well, you can make a begining.
Here's something to motivate-assign a random date where you promise that you do an act of random kindness. If that makes you happy, then it wont be long before you lose your current belief of being "self absorbed". Let me know if you do try this out. !
Cheers. :)
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