Well, it's been quite sometime since I scribbled something here.
My quick update since june'08:
* Attended the Graduation Ceremony of my Brother who completed his MS from RGU.
* Spent a month in Scotland, including a 3 day visit to London; had a great time.
* My dog, Rani, went missing just the day before we returned from the UK. :(
* Final year of Engineering began from August and I quite like the new set of friends.
* I turned 22 this November. Got a surprise at 12 midnight, which was kinda cool. :)
My perception about certain things have definitely changed over the past couple of months. The trip abroad helped me understand and realize that a momentary setback need not be the end, and that there are limitless number of opportunities provided you stay happy and learn to do things right and also be creative.
Something that I couldn't help but observe and appreciate about the Brits was how courteous they are. The most basic courteous words-Thank you, Please, Sorry is added to every appropriate sentence, every single time.
Then I tried remembering of how "WE THE PEOPLE"(like we always boast about, but actually do nothing) are when it comes to our communication skills and about being courteous. Its funny, most of our communication is half done. Test yourself, the next time you are talking to someone, count the number of times you stop half way when you think they know what the other half is going to be ! And you'd agree, most of these end with
"you know"
"exactly!(when the other person completes the rest of the sentence for you)"
"things like that"
"stuff like that"
And talk about being courteous among the "aam admi" ! The less said the better.
WE never say Thank you for a service done (yes, even the guy who fills in petrol is doing a service and deserves a thank you, regardless of whether he responds with "You are Welcome" are not).
Please is used only during critical situations (like asking a lecturer for more marks). Else its considered being "too formal".
Sorry. Well, this is one word which WE hate to say unless the consequences for the committed mistake is serious.
I had to write about this after some observation and thought to it. I agree that I too felt all this was too "trivial/ being very formal". But, a look outside the well showed its not, but actually a very essential part of one's personality.
Keep in mind to say thank you when someone does you a service, however small the action may be.
Prefix or suffix a Please to the sentence, when you are requesting for something, however small/trivial the request may be.
Say Sorry when you do something wrong, and mean it.
I believe in these small little efforts that add on to make a big difference. I just hope you consider this in your resolution list for the Year'09.
adiĆ³s !
PS: Guess this is my last post for '08. While you guys enjoy New year's eve, I'll be busy cramming for my exams :(
Happy New Year !
I totally agree with you after my trip to Malaysia. Thank you for this beautiful piece of Gyan
"Thank you" guru for this piece of advice. "Please" post such great thoughts. It's all one's Ego problem in not telling such 'formal' words macha! "Sorry" if I said anything wrong and "I mean it" :)
yenapa :) ... Nice introduction..So,making a come back to world of blog??
Superb article Kido!!!
@Ashwini: Glad you found it interesting. :)
@Karthik: Good you started implementing it at such a grand scale already ! :P
@Arun: This post was way too overdue, so decided to post it come what may, as though its just exams going on ;)
@Princess: Ahem Ahem...Thank you ;)
well i havent been abroad but its something i've known all along. Tho i dont do it to all i TRY to for MOST ppl..the kind o stares u get when u thank shopkeepres..the smile from an autowalla...the joy of waving to kid while driving or when in a bus...its feels like heaven...
but then say it too often like i do and ppl think u are acting something out....experience is teaches a lot ofthings the most imp is that no two experiences are the same..
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