Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wake me up when september ends

Well, September is almost closing up on its dates and it surely hasn't been that good to me this year. Have you ever come across the situation where in the highway of life seems so smooth and you feel like everything is just falling into place until one fine day you fall down so hard that you just can't realize what just hit you? Best can be related to what Chetan Bhagat writes in the book '5 point someone'- "...just when you feel that everything is going your way, life screws you big time..."

Moving on, the past couple of weeks has not been kind enough to me. I did have numerous plans and big dreams and now I feel that they might end up going down the drain. All though there is a lifeline, you don't expect things will turn up right when you know that you are going through the 'rough phase' of your life. Maybe that's the reason why I changed my Blogspot name to "Its all just Maya". For those of you who didn't know me during my PU days and also a during my early Engineering semesters, MAYA-the concept of everything around you being an Illusion was what had got me enchanted. It's difficult to even imagine what just happened which forces me to think otherwise.

It's that part of the time when you are supposed to be happy, but since you are not, you put on a fake smile in order to let people know that things are just fine even though it's not. It's sad to see that people don't seem to be quite the same and that they are trying to let go gradually. The situation has provided me with power to differentiate between people who genuinely care and those fake ones, who just need somebody to hang out with.

For the past couple of weeks, it's been hard for me to get a refreshing night's sleep, an appetite thats decreased even more and a mind that has become restless-being bombarded with endless number of thoughts day in and day out.

Maybe it's just my faith that is being tested and I am trying to be stronger than before.

It's all just MAYA !


Paddy said...

Well, have you considered once that maybe you're destined for bigger and better things than you planned and dreamt for yoursef!?

Guess I'm just tryin to say, it maybe MAYA, but not all of it!

I know its easier said than done, but get a different perspective, many if its possible. And keep your chin up :) good things are comin your way, and you know it :) things work out for the best!

Paddy said...

And hey, its ok to let your true feelings show, once in a while. you dont have to put on a smile when you dont want to. Be the real you! He's awfully nice, if you ask me :)

Jayanth said...

May the force be with you.. :D We live in the age of happy endings..