Friday, August 11, 2006

Is it...???

I dont know, but i dont seem to forget this thought for the day which was written on the notice board in Vidyashala...this was when I was in High School...and I dont seem to remember the particular year also, but as usual i was going through the notice boards when this thought for the day caught my attention...and since I have not been able to forget it....( Maybe a implicit warning by my conscience, so as to keep alert 24/7...!!! )

"The first sign of Love is the last sign of wisdom"

And I very much agree with this.......!!!


Benkiman said...

I totally disagree with the thought. probably the person who has told this doesn't really know the power of love.

Benkiman said...

i think the love which is referred to here does not talk about true love, a love which is universal. will soon post something on this topic